четверг, 30 декабря 2010 г.

Study of New Year’s Resolutions: Get Organized in 2011: Business Collaboration News«

A recent survey of New Year’s resolutionswe talked about yesterdayfound that the number-one resolution is to get organized. Sixty-one percent of those polled pledged to keep their business emails and documents more organized in the new year.

This survey was conducted online in December 2010 by Harris Interactive on behalf ofIntermedia. Respondents were employed U.S. adults who have a New Year’s business communications resolution.

We’ve written extensively on how toget more organized, how totame your inbox, and how toimprove collaboration, but the folks at Intermedia add these suggestions:

  • Work off your business priorities, not your email inbox. Highly productive workers use email as a communication tool for business results, rather than responding to emails as they come in. Focus on what needs to get done for your job and prioritize email review and response with that in mind.
  • Collaborate online rather than simply sending messages back and forth. Email is great for communication, but not always the best tool for collaboration. Tools for document management solve this problem and are available online.
  • Unify communications to get back one hour of your life per day. Rather than use separate tools and devices to check email, make phone calls, and instant message colleagues, businesses increasingly use“unified communications” to combine them in one tool. Sage Research estimates this system can increase productivity by over 12.5 percent, or one hour per day for each worker.

The survey also found that workers resolve to respond more quickly to business communications. We’ll talk about that tomorrow.

How do you plan to get more organized in 2011?


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